Becky Madigan

 Becky Madigan

Becky Madigan is an anesthesiologist, wife, and mom of two spirited children in Tucson, AZ. She works full-time in a community hospital setting but also races bikes as a Master’s racer in her free time. She and her husband have developed a real estate side hustle over the last 10 years comprised of about 30 rental units and growing.  

Medicine has taught Becky a lot about failure and success in traditional and non-traditional ways. Managing stress in a high-pressure area of medicine such as the operating room has promoted skills such as resiliency and adaptability. She sits on several hospital committees and the managerial team of her current practice of 50-plus physicians.  

Racing bikes have enriched Becky’s life in other ways by helping her develop a growth mindset. For overachievers, success is often measured in wins and podium spots, but bike racing has very few of those. By adopting a growth mindset and measuring process goals instead, Becky has found a way to “enjoy the process” rather than focus on winning alone. This concept has spilled over into other areas of her life and the impact has been tremendous.