Residency Award Rubric 

Explanation of the Scoring Rubric

A rubric will be used to score your application. Category explanations and expectations for each are provided.

Below are a few requirements and helpful tips before you complete and submit your application.

  • If you use any acronyms, be sure to explain what they stand for.
  • Check your spelling carefully.
  • Include brief explanations and showcase your strategic vision and founder skill-sets.
  • Include length of time spent in any organizations and/or leadership roles.
  • Applicants are not required to have developed or experienced the rubric criteria fully, but are encouraged to consider them as they relate to your process and ideas.



Strategic Vision

Venture Founder


Applicant has personally experienced the problem.

Applicant has skills to address the problem or is collaborating with those with applicable and differentiated skill sets.


Applicant has a vision for how to solve the problem and can execute on it.

Applicant has identified a specific, important, and large problem.

Value Proposition

Applicant has or can have potential customers validate that the solution will solve a key point.

Applicant has a hypothesis for how to solve this problem.


Applicant has or can build a solution or low-fidelity prototype.

Applicant can develop a solution or low-fidelity prototype.


Applicant understands or has a plan to understand applicable regulations and has a strategy for compliance and identifying total addressable market size

Applicant knows total addressable market size and target market share.

Business Model

Applicant has identified existing pricing, and business models support revenue models.

Applicant has an outline of a revenue model.


Applicant has evidence that multiple markets experience this problem.

Applicant has identified multiple possible markets or customer segments.

Exit Strategy

Applicant has a vision of how to ultimately deliver liquidity to investors.

Applicant knows what an exit is and understands its importance to investors.