Past Innovation Challenges
Remember: Ideas Become Things.
Over the academic year, FORGE collaborates with campus partners to present innovation challenges focused on creative problem solving, team building, and ideations and gives students the opportunity to earn domain badges. Learn about past challenges and their winners here.
#BearDownMaskUp Challenge
The #BearDownMaskUp Challenge was a 4-week competition challenging students to come up with creative solutions to encourage fellow students to mask up and socially distance, and follow prevention guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19 on campus. Entries were be judged on creativity, advocacy of public health best practices, and feasibility.
Engineer Your World Challenge
Virtual classrooms are the new normal, but for some class activities, Zoom just doesn’t cut it. When we can’t be in the same physical space, how can we use technology to improve our visual, hands-on, and collaborative classroom experiences? The Engineer Your World Challenge was created in hopes of solving this very problem.